
Showing posts from January, 2018

What am I looking for?

What I'd like to become This is one of the first questions people usually ask me when they message me, so I though it would be a good idea to answer this question. What am I looking for? Well, first of all I'm looking to explore the world of BDSM and kinks. I've read a lot about it, and I own some toys (dildo's, buttplug, vibrator, anal beads), but I don't have any experience yet with real life BDSM. This means I am looking for someone to take me under his wings and train and guide me, to teach me and to nurture me. Someone with patience (since I'm a beginner), someone who I can trust (because when your first experience is a bad experience you're unlikely to try it again). But most important someone I feel comfortable with. I get so many messages from guys who want to meet this week, like they're afraid they won't catch their train if we don't meet this week. They don't realize that trust is something that takes time to built up, and...


An example of what I'd like to become Let me first introduce myself. I am a 23 year old girl with Turkish origins, living in the Netherlands. I was born and raised in a typical Dutch-Turkish environment, with mostly Turkish values in a Dutch surrounding. I'm single (by choice), I study (fashion design), I still live with my parents due to the fact that combining work and study can be a hard thing to do. Plus I don't need to travel far for college, so it also wouldn't make any sense to start living on my own, if my parents can provide me with a place to live. I've always been a popular girl. Yeah, I've got good looks, and I know it, but I don't brag about it. Boys have always flocked around me, wanting my attention, girls have always wanted to be my friend. But you have to be a little bit careful who you date if your parents are Turkish, they have to approve of it. And preferably of course my parents would like to see me marrying another Turkish man, bu...