First date

I've talked a lot about what my desires are and some about my background, but in this post I want to go a little bit into what I imagine a first date could be like. Obviously before going on a date with someone I meet on the internet, there needs to be some correspondence beforehand. Just to get to know each other a little bit before we dive into a date, and just to make sure a possible relationship has a future and we're on the same page. Basically I want to know what I'm getting into before we go on a date, since you can never be careful enough with these things these days. But let's say we get past that and we decide to meet somewhere. I always prefer to meet somewhere outside. So for example on a terrace, or a public place. Just so I can feel safe, and if either one of us doesn't like it, we can still walk away from it. No pressure is the key. We drink something perhaps, maybe get something to eat. We talk and get to know each other face to face and see how...