Bondage & Humiliation

In this post I'll delve a little deeper into my desires regarding bondage and humiliation. For me they are two things I've never experience, but I am deeply interested to experience it. I've been reading stuff about bondage since a young age, and being sexually humiliated has always been a part of my sexual fantasies.

For me the key thing about bondage is to feel vulnerable and exposed. Being in complete restraint gives the other person all the power over your body, to do whatever they see fit with it. So it involves a lot of trust to give all that power to someone, in my opinion one of the best ways to show how devoted I am to someone, and that I truly trust someone.

The keyword obviously here is trust. So no, I'm not just going let someone I just met online tie me down this weekend because he claims to be a good Dom with experience. Trust is something that grows over time, and I only trust people that take time to create such a bond.

But what I love about bondage, is not being in control, that someone else holds the power over me, to do with my body what he wants. He can endlessly tease me, make me beg for my orgasm, or have me gangbanged in every hole. The possibilities are endless. And I love bondage the restrain me and keep me exposed.

So no, you won't see me walking around in complicated rope bondage that has a knot in my crotch. It defeats the purpose of why I love bondage. First of all because it blockades my fuckholes, while I like the idea of using bondage to be exposed. Secondly I like my bondage to be practical.

The key thing for me with humiliation is that it's sexual humiliation. So you don't have to call me dumb or stupid. Yes, it's humiliating, but not a turn on for me. I'm simply talking about sexual humiliation, which mainly revolves for me about humiliating me for my sexual needs.

In short, it's more about exposing my slutty desires and wishes, and making me admit what a slutty whore I am. It's about taking my shame about sex, and humiliating me by using this. Make me feel vulnerable, make me feel that I am a slut, and make me admit it to the world.

Humiliation can be done very simply with degrading name calling and dirty talk, which works very effectively on me. When someone knows how to use the right words, he can call me the most degrading names, and he'll make me dripping wet.

The other thing is public humiliation. Now for that you can take for example videos from Public Disgrace or The Upper Floor. It's about humiliating me sexually in front of other people. It's about submission, about exposing my slutty nature to others, about proving or disproving how much of a slut I am.

Great example of humiliation like this can be found as well in some comics from Fansadox (DoFantasy) from artists such as Fernando. Some of my favorites comics from them are the "Cheerleaders" series, "Twins" series, "Sex Wars" series and "Total Control" series.

I hope I'm getting something across about what I want, since I find it very difficult to describe what it is exactly that turns me on so much about bondage and humiliation, other than the feeling of being vulnerable and exposed. I guess for me it's just about being seen to the world as a sex object, not the pretty innocent sweet little angel that everyone now thinks that I am, but a sextoy, nothing more than a fucktoy that has to learn to admit what she is.


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